Sunday 27 November 2011

my run up to christmas 2011.. november.

:D primark!

shannon and nicole

nicole, me, lucy, shannon

shannon, lucy and half my face.. :(

shannon, me, and lucy sat on my lap :L ..

our lucyyyyyy.

mine and shannons teddies :D were like children this christmas honestly.

chinese meal..

lucy and me..

me and shannon, not looking my best but she cracks me up.

nicole, me, lucy and shan.


hot chocolates from costa coffee are the highlights of my christmas' <3

perfect night in :) <3

nicole, me, luce and shannonnnn.


pulling a particularly attractive face..

me and lucy <3

another nice face to leave you with ;)

i love you all, <3

Thursday 10 November 2011

random list..

eeeeek, its getting close to christmas isnt it!?
im sixteen now and have a job (well, apprenticeship) and so my mums said i shouldnt get as much this year, i see her point but i'm still making a list.. ill just make sure ill make it less expensive than normal..

look at these!!
i will wear these socks/stockings to work on xmas day ( :(!!! ) and everyone will tell me im crazy because i will show them off proudly while i am behind the bar along with my....

2. Rudy mittens and hat!

3. And a christmas jumper which i will probably get one from primark :) i like christmas! although they will make me take my hat and gloves off as i would struggle to pull a pint in mittens lol.. and i dont want them smelling of carling :(

4. Then i want a back for my phone.. now not long ago i had a few drinks while i was out and my phone was either lost/stolen/lost and someone found it. Someone ended up with it anyway as my friend brett was getting texts about grandma's and toes and stuff which i had definitely not sent. Anyway my point is, i had to buy myself a very quick replacement on my shitty apprentice wages and so i dont have and iphone/blackberry/htc or anything good i just have a sony ericsson experia x8. it works fine though so im not bothered :) you can get pretty cases for them, look!
i like the zebra print one..

and these crystal/rhinestoney ones..

and then i like this cross of the two haha :D ..

they are all on amazon :)

5. i also want the three katie price novels that i havent got yet..

although ill probably buy santa baby for myself before christmas so that i can read it in the run up :)

6. the last thing i can think of for the moment is cheesy christmas earrings :D although again, ill probably buy them myself before christmas so i can irritate a few of the boring twats i work with ;)
such as these ones...

they are from amazonnnnn..
and i like the following ones, from accesorize:

cheesy christmas jumpers and mittens!
-hannah xoxo

sorry if you find this inappropriate.. i find it quite funny..

so i was in the kitchen for part of my shift at work.. and this is what my boss gave me to wear..
everytime i went out into the bar part of the place, he would shout "come on hannah, show us your cock?"

he thinks he's funny :)

love you lots
- hannah xoxo

pink eyelashes and blue cheeeks!

Yesterday i was reading Kandee Johnsons blogpost about putting the fun back into makeup, and it really inspired me. Its been a few months since i just sat down with my makeup and slapped it on, without really knowing what i wanted to do or how to do it. I used to do that all the time, and i loved it!
so yesterday i got all my stuff together and I just started.
This is what i came up with...
I really love the pink and black eyebrows - thats something i havent done before! :)

So I just thought I'd share that with you guyssss :)

Also, on a totally random note, I've just been on and ordered a load of christmas films, and spent the last of my wages.. it's a good job i get paid tomorrow lol! Although in my defence, the most expensive one was a box set for my mum that I know she's going to love :D
im starting to get into the festive spiritttttt!! :D

love you lots
- hannah xoxo

Wednesday 28 September 2011

NYX nail polish and wooly jumpers..

excuse the 'title'. i worked 11 hours yesterday on barely any sleep and im now shattered so dont be expecting any kind of creativity from me today.
but anyway, i was trawling the web to find what I could blow half my wages on this month, for example I'm looking for some good but not too expensive chinos, and an oversized wooly jumper.  I am considering getting them off the Bershka website because I do love their clothes..
not for a glamourous occasion obviously but i think for cold lazy days i will buy the black and white version and it will do the job well. and it is actually a bit more than I was wanting to pay but still..
I also thought i'd have a look for some nail thingsssss, because it's a good way to add a bit of interest to your look. something different and original. Well, i say original, and it has always been that way for me, but the two girls that work the same shifts as me wear just as crazy colours on their nails as i do.. but i still really like it :) and the fact of the matter is, when my nails are nicely manicured i feel altogether more pulled together and presentable even if I've barely done anything with my makeup or clothes.
so anyway i had a quick look on cherryculture and found these.
nyx nail polish, but specially formulated for a salon finish and still with the tiny price tag. $4.00!!
this is what the website says about them...

NYX Nail Polish Salon    $4.00
NYX Cosmetics introduces a professional nail care collection that will adorn your fingers and toes - the Salon Formula Nail Polish! These exceptional nail polishes come in 144 brilliant on-trend colors including 10 nail treatments that will make it seem like you just received a fresh manicure and pedicure from a professional salon! See the vividness of each color with one easy coat on your nails. Just one coat, it’s that quick and easy! With the long-lasting formula and an extraordinary selection of colors to fit your every mood and pretty outfits, your nails will be dazzling all the time!


that  line of stars was just so you know its me talking again. you could probably tell from the shitty grammar starting again.

Okaay so i will tell you what look to me like they could be a few of my favourites..

  • all the nudes on the top row look beautiful. not creative and fun but very pretty and polished.
  • THE GLITTERS! i think theyre towards the bottom. e.g, Heiro-Glyphics, Beach Glitter, 24K Glitteron. Theres loads more pretty one but i couldnt be bothered to write them all. Obviously they could be worn on their own, but i would probably layer them over a block colour :)
  • Lime! bright, fun, gooorgeeeouuuss.
  • Precious Gem - preeeeettttty :)
  • Royal Blue. This is such a beautiful colour. Though i am quite biased towards any kind of navy beauty-wise, especially with glitter. I already have about 5 navy nail polishes so there is really no need for me to buy this but it needed a mention.
  • I like the pastel blue and the pastel mint. slightly different but still similar and I think they have kind of a balance between the "fun-ness" of a bright and the "prettiness" of a pastel. Terrrible wording i know.
  • I also like the pastel yellow, bright orange, and all the bright pinks. I already have those kinds of colours so I wont be purchasing them but i am listing them because i think if you like to experiment with beauty and colours then those are some good ones. i love them.
I will definitely be purchasing some the second my pay cheque hits the bank and i will let you know what i think :)

love you lots.

xoxo - hannah.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

grey on grey..

1. Yes i look young on these photo's because I have my hair scraped back and not much eye makeup on.. but nevermind its mostly about the outfit :)
2. Yes, these photo's are edited. Not much, just extra contrast and stuff :)

The tights are actually grey but you can't tell that much i don't think.. i dont know where they're from though because they're my mums and she can never remember.
Shoes - New Look - about ten pounds I think.
Skirt - A little shop in Worksop called Minx Collections - £8.
Top - Tesco - It was a long time ago though so I dont remember the price.. wouldn't have been much though.
Cardigan - Unknown.
Feather earrings -  Primark - £1
White Belt - Unknown - Ive had it years but probably Peacocks.
Red Bag - Primark - £4.

The lipstick is Collection 2000 Lasting Colour No 9 Cherry Bomb.

Love you lots

xoxo - hannah.

Monday 19 September 2011

makeup artistry randoms.

Ive got mind block with my college english task so I am shamelessly procrastinating.

I did these a while back and they got a few likes on facebook so I figure, why not put my homework off a little longer and show you these.

hope you enjoyed :)

love you lots.

xoxo - hannah.

my four favourite classic heels.

I thought I'd show you my favourite "classic" heels, that can be worn anywhere, time and time again.
Basically they are timeless.

Here we go...

These ones aren't actually as high as I typically like my heels but my point remains the same: every girl should have a black court shoe with a platform. Whether its patent, suede or snakeskin it doesnt matter, the shape stays the same and they will go with anything and can't go out of style. These ones were form Asda a couple of years ago for about a tenner loooool.

As you can see, this is my other pair of black heels. Black is going to go with basically anything, and these are so chic and glamorous - i love them! They are ridiculously high and my feet are always hammering by the end of the night, my friends think i'm stupid because i still wear them again and again but they have to admit they're gorgeous. - £25

I luuurrrve these :) I actually brought them for my prom but I didnt end up being able to get the dress I wanted, and they didnt go with the one i ended up with so I didnt wear them. But I did wear them to a fancy wedding not long ago and they were comfortable and stylish :)
New Look - £25

These are my ALL TIME favourite heels that I own. & my friends seem to think so too.. they've basically all worn them at some point ¬¬ They are just one of those pairs of heels that everyone should own, like the first pair i talked about. If black is too harsh for an outfit, slip these on. They go with anything, they are stylish and timeless. & i can't even remember how many times I've worn them - countless. The best money I ever spent.
Next - £40

Love you lots.
xoxo - hannah.

Sunday 18 September 2011

house party..

okay so excuse us if we look rough on any of these.. we had been drinking.

this is a photo of me that i didnt know was being took as you can tell.. lucy gets a little bit camera happy.

lucy - she'd  gone to sleep but I made her wake up and have a shot. muahahaha.

i have no idea.


drunkenness. :/

i was ready for bed and NOT in the mood for photos..

lucy ready for bed and still in the mood for photos.

shannon hates this. she thinks she looks like shes on the toilet. i bet you werent thinking that till i said it.

and lucy hates this one.. but hey you cant please everyone.

not the best photo but heres my outfit..

i cant even remember this photo being taken. its dreadful but it makes me laugh.
i normally would make a list of where my outfit is from but i can't remember where the skirts from and the boob tube top is lucys sooo..

love you lots.

xoxo - hannah.